Riley's Adventurous First Week of School
It is hard to believe it is already “Back to School” time already! Thankfully, Riley started the school year off with his new Intervener, Erin. Erin has been hired by the school district especially for Riley. This was not an easy thing to get approved, but we are thrilled that it did. Erin is actually an interpreter, but she will be getting some training (we all did last Tuesday) from the deaf blind organization for Tennessee, TREDs. We have two great contacts that are based out of Vanderbilt in Nashville and they have been so great to work with. They will be an ongoing resource for us and for Erin, as we all learn better ways to teach and communicate with a deaf blind child.
The second day of school went well, but ended with an eventful afternoon. One of Riley's nannies, Katie, picked Riley up from school. She opened the car and put her keys on the seat. She walked Riley around to the other side of the car and put him in his car seat. He quickly proceed to lock the doors! The air was not on so the quickest way to get the car open was to call 911. The police were unable to unlock the car, but luckily, when the fire trucks arrived, they got it open. The whole time Riley was locked in the car, he was oblivious to the fact that anything was wrong. He quickly found Katie's purse and began rummaging through it. He found some RED lip gloss and had a great time rubbing it all over his face.
That night, this past Thursday, Riley began running a fever around 11pm. He woke up and and just laid around and I could tell he did not feel well. I gave Joel a call to give him a heads up, and we were both hoping we could treat the fever and not end up in the hospital. When Riley finally went back to sleep, I was relieved we had gotten through this first episode with no seizures.
The next morning when Riley and I woke up, I could feel the heat radiating from his body. It was time for some more Motrin, so I gave him some, and hoped for the same results as the night before. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Riley began seizing, so I administered the medication that we use to stop seizures and waited. This has always worked in the past, but not this time. Riley would seize for a few minutes, then it would seem to stop for about 30 seconds to a minute, then start back again. This whole time, Joel was in communication with Riley's doctor. We tried giving the medicine time to work, but we all decide it was time to take Riley to the ER, and since he was continuing to seize, Dr. Steph wanted us to take him by ambulance. I rode with Riley to the hospital. As soon as they were able to get an IV in, they gave a dose of Adavan via IV and the seizure stopped almost immediately.
Riley slept the entire day at the ER, other than getting very upset when his IV came out and it took three different tries in three different places to get one back in. After blood work, it was determined that Riley had infection somewhere in his body. We decided we were comfortable taking him home after his temp was able to be controlled all day with no more seizures. Riley is slowly getting back to his normal baseline. Joel took this photo just this morning at the park. It is hard to believe how sick Riley was just 48 hours before this was taken!
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