teamgreene: Our life after transplant

A continuation of our journey from pre-transplant to post-transplant and beyond.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vomit Watch - Joel Update

I think the title of this post says it all! For the last few days, Riley has not been feeling good. He started with diarehha Tuesday, but has decided to kick it up a notch and interspurse with vommit. Normally, we'd just let this run it's course, but obviously NOTHING ever is "typical" or "normal" with our little Riley.

Fortunately, Riley's vitals and labs are still normal, so our battle is just keeping him hydrated. Orange Gatorade is organge going down and coming up, so that's out. The only thing working is pedialyte directly through his g-tube. More than likely, our home health nurnse, Rebecca, will be out later today to give Riley fluids through his port. We thought we'd have to go to the hospital to have this done but where very relived when we found out Rebecca could do this here. The hospital is the last place we want to go!!!

Let me say that our new nannie, Tiffany, is absolutely wonderful!!!!!! We couldn't of asked for anyone better, except perhpas for Mary Poppins, which would be cool to jump into a sidewalk chalk drawing and ride carousal horses...but I digress. This is not a normal nannie position, as Riley is very high demand, and we knew it woudl take a special person to handle it. Well, Tiffany is it. She is filled with such love and patience, it is amazing. Coincidence...I think not! He lead her to us; and us to her!!

Turning to Riley's pedicatrician, Dr. Stephanie Stegall, she too has been absolutely amazing! She has been coming to our house for the weekly checkups, calling us to make sure he's doing well, and also gave us her cell number...which I have definitely taken advantage of.

Well, I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep, so I think I'll try and let the soothing sounds of Riley's teeth grinding help me drift off to sleep (sounds like a loud, squeaky rocking chair).

Peace all!


  1. I hope there aren't many Vomit Watch 2010's. May the trip this weekend be uneventful. Love you guys!

  2. I've missed Joel's updates! Hope that the vomit ends soon.
