teamgreene: Our life after transplant

A continuation of our journey from pre-transplant to post-transplant and beyond.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Surgery Today

It has been a while since I posted, but things have been a little crazy. When we were at Duke last Monday, there were several things we discussed with Dr. Martin that we needed to follow up on in Chattanooga when we got back. The first, Riley's ingrown toenails. I am not sure I have even mentioned this in the past, but Riley has ingrown toenails on both his big toes. On his left toe, both sides of the toe are ingrown. This was most likely caused during the period when he insisted on wearing his tennis shoes all the time, even when he slept.

We had dinner with our friends Alan and Alison Lebovitz Wednesday evening after getting back from Duke on Tuesday. We were telling them about needing to find a podiatrist for Riley and Alan said, "I know a podiatrist." After a few emails and phone calls, we had an appointment scheduled the next day. Dr. Kraus, was awesome and had the surgery scheduled for Friday. We spent a lot of that day getting everything ready. Duke sent over all of the paperwork on Riley's medical history. That evening at home, we received a phone call from the surgery center. They said after reviewing Riley's medical history, they did not feel comfortable doing the surgery there. By the next day, Dr. Kraus had the surgery scheduled for today at the hospital. We had to be here at 6am for his 7:30am scheduled surgery, but he still has not went back yet. Riley is very happy right now, talking about Happy Feet. Maybe he knows he is about to get his feet fixed! Say prayers for a successful and uneventful surgery. Unfortunately, they are going to start an IV after Riley is asleep since they will not be using his port for medication today. Hopefully we can get it working again.

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